Recipes are sets of instructions that help people re-create things. Have you ever wondered what the recipe is for teaching babies (infants, pre-toddlers, and toddlers) social-emotional and behavioral skills? This webinar will outline three primary skill categories that dominate a baby’s growth and development through the age of two. You will learn strategies to support behavior and social-emotional development in your classroom! Please note that in order to receive a certificate, you will need to watch and view the resources, engage with the materials (click), pass the quiz, and complete the survey. Read more

Reflective practice in early childhood is a continuous process that helps providers develop an understanding of their own values, beliefs, and practices. Reflection encourages lifelong learning and skill development that helps early childhood providers support positive outcomes for the children in their care. This webinar will help infant-toddler teachers understand the importance of self-reflection to manage on-the-job stress and to improve skills for supporting children. Please note that in order to receive a certificate, you will need to watch and view the resources, engage with the materials (click), pass the quiz, and complete the survey. Read more

These babies can talk! But a lot is happening with communication before they use words, and we can help them through the language learning process. This webinar outlines the underlying skills babies need to develop verbal and non-verbal communication and you will learn six simple strategies to help children develop their words. Please note that in order to receive a certificate, you will need to watch and view the resources, engage with the materials (click), pass the quiz, and complete the survey. Read more

Do crying babies stress you out? Guess what, the babies are stressed too! Helping babies learn to soothe leads to improved pro-social behaviors as they grow. Caregivers can use soothing techniques to help build the foundation for positive social-emotional skills. This webinar will help caregivers understand how experiences and the environment impact infant brain development and how to use “serve and return” to meet infant’s needs for soothing. Please note that in order to receive a certificate, you will need to watch and view the resources, engage with the materials (click), pass the quiz, and complete the survey. Read more
Infants and toddlers use their whole body to discover and process the world around them, including climbing on chairs, shelves and tables. This webinar will help participants understand how and why infants and toddlers need to move and how to set up the environment to provide safe movement opportunities. Read more

It’s just too messy! They’ll just eat the materials! Does that describe your thoughts when you think about art and sensory activities in your infant, pre-toddler or toddler classrooms? This webinar will help you understand how vital sensory exploration is for developing language, social-emotional skills, motor skills and for school readiness. We will offer ideas for tried and true sensory activities that your infants and toddlers will love! Please note that in order to receive a certificate, you will need to watch and view the resources, engage with the materials (click), pass the quiz, and complete the survey. Read more
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