Can you really work on emotional literacy with infants and toddlers? Yes! Join us to find out how to set the stage for emotional literacy with our youngest children. Please note that in order to receive a certificate, you will need to watch and view the resources, engage with the materials (click), pass the quiz, and complete the survey. Read more
Emotional literacy is more important than ever for school age youth and teens. Join us to learn strategies to help these age groups understand and express their feelings in healthy ways. Please note that in order to receive a certificate, you will need to watch and view the resources, engage with the materials (click), pass the quiz, and complete the survey. Read more
Youth programs often have challenges sustaining engaging environments throughout the year. In this webinar we will examine factors that influence youth engagement in a program setting. We will also consider ways we can reshape activities, staff interactions, and our program space to cultivate more youth engagement. Please note that in order to receive a certificate, you will need to watch and view the resources, engage with the materials (click), pass the quiz, and complete the survey. Read more
Facilitating positive peer interactions can be tricky. It can be difficult to know when to get involved and when to step back and allow natural, spontaneous interactions to happen. Sometimes adults can accidentally stifle peer interactions or “take the fun out of it”. This webinar will provide an overview of different ways to encourage and support social engagements between children and youth through modeling, the environment, scaffolding, and collaborative problem solving. Please note that in order to receive a certificate, you will need to watch and view the resources, engage with the materials (click), pass the quiz, and complete the survey. Read more
Over time, cultural norms and ideas about disability, diversity, and inclusion have changed. As more organizations across sectors focus on “Diversity and Equity”, disability is sometimes left out of the conversation about diversity. KIT’s mission is to meaningfully include children and youth with disabilities, and our webinar focus today is to share current, relevant information regarding the intersectionality of disability and diversity. This webinar will focus on strategies to support tweens and teens in inclusive programs. Read more
Transitions can make or break a routine. Moving a group of children from one activity to another smoothly is an art. Join us for this webinar to learn simple creative ideas for establishing FUN transitions that will make your program feel smoother and you job easier. Please note that in order to receive a certificate, you will need to watch and view the resources, engage with the materials (click), pass the quiz, and complete the survey. Read more
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