Sometimes we don't get the opportunity to get outside as much as we would like, while some children may not perform well if they don't "get extra energy out" throughout their day. In this webinar, we will focus on ways we can create opportunities for movement within the confines of our program indoor spaces. Please note that in order to receive a certificate, you will need to watch and view the resources, engage with the materials (click), pass the quiz, and complete the survey. Read more
This learning journey explores cultural responsiveness in behavior support, emphasizing understanding and respecting cultural differences, recognizing biases, and reflecting on responses to children's behavior. The path encourages considering cultural components in behavior interpretation, and the three micro-learning videos delve into the impact of bias, framing responses with a cultural lens, and providing examples. It guides learners in developing culturally responsive practices for positive relationships with children and youth. Please note that in order to receive a certificate, you will need to watch and view the resources, engage with the materials (click), pass the quiz, and complete the survey. Read more
Attitudes, beliefs, policies and resources influence how inclusion is viewed and put into practice in child and youth programs. This webinar will explore myths of inclusion that sometimes interfere with creating welcoming and inclusive environments for all children. Please note that in order to receive a certificate, you will need to watch and view the resources, engage with the materials (click), pass the quiz, and complete the survey. Read more
Have you ever wondered what the ABC data you are required to keep is supposed to be for? Would you like to learn how to use the information you have collected to help overcome challenging behaviors? Join us for a webinar focused on making ABC data a bit easier to understand and use. Participants will have the chance to: analyze a set of sample ABC observation data in order to decide upon an appropriate redirection strategy, practice identifying more appropriate replacement behaviors, and highlight ideas for working with parents/families to create reinforcement systems between school and home. Read more
Working to overcome challenging behaviors in your program/classroom can feel like a full-time job all by itself. The difficulty of completing all of the extra paperwork included in a behavior plan can cause anyone to question whether the time it takes to record the observations is well spent. In Part 2 of Documenting & Tracking Behavior participants will review three levels of data collection and discover the advantages and drawbacks of each. In addition, participants will also identify ways to streamline the data collection process, and then interpret it confirm whether the situation is improving, or not. Read more
Can you really work on emotional literacy with infants and toddlers? Yes! Join us to find out how to set the stage for emotional literacy with our youngest children. Please note that in order to receive a certificate, you will need to watch and view the resources, engage with the materials (click), pass the quiz, and complete the survey. Read more
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