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You filtered by Routines and Environments. There are 4 items matching your criteria. Reset filter

Four-webinar series designed for afterschool staff to help you kick-off your academic year! In this series, we'll cover foundational principles about behavior support and dive into topics you might encounter working with school age youth.  Please note that in order to receive a certificate, you will need to watch and view the resources, engage with the materials (click), pass the quiz, and complete the survey. Read more

Imagine walking into your favorite place.  Hopefully, that place brings you a sense of comfort and belonging.  A critical part of successful disability inclusion is making your program have that same sense of comfort and belonging for all.  A supportive environment includes your physical, sensory, and social-emotional environment.  In this section of the course, you will watch a video about the impact your environment has on disability inclusion.  Read more

I Can Be Inclusive Series Save 20% when you purchase a bundle!   Kids Included Together is the leader in disability inclusion training and behavior support and has decades of experience.  Our courses offer information in a user-friendly style with personable videos!  Most of our courses provide handouts so that you can take away a resource as soon as you purchase and enroll in the course!   The following courses are in our I Can Be Inclusive Series: I Can Be Inclusive Course 1: Inclusion 101 I Can Be Inclusive Course 2: Supportive Environments I Can Be Inclusive Course 3: Communicating through Behavior I Can Be Inclusive Course 4: Tips and Tools to Support Disability Inclusion I Can Be Inclusive Course 5: Family Collaboration Read more

This webinar will focus on speech delays and common language disorders that make it difficult for children to use and understand spoken language. Strategies will be presented to support children and youth with communication limitations. Read more

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