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KIT Pass & Resources

Intermediate Series How does one provide quality, inclusive programs for teens and tweens? The first step is to understand what is going on in their bodies, minds, and emotions. This intermediate level series continues to build upon the foundation level series. In these webinars, you will examine the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of youth between the ages of 10-18. This bundle includes these webinars at a 20% discount: Conflict Management for Teens and Tweens Supporting Tween & Teen Social-Emotional Development Self-Regulation Series: Staying Grounded - Risk and Rewards for Middle Schoolers and Teens Read more

Middle schoolers and teens can experience at least 24 mood changes in a day, so it’s no wonder social-emotional learning is a trend in youth centers. In this webinar, you’ll learn ways to support social-emotional learning in your program. You’ll also explore how disability is a dimension of diversity and how to make your program truly inclusive for all. Read more

Social Inclusion for youth with disabilities can be a daily challenge. Navigating the dating world is difficult for anyone who is bold enough to take it on. Combine dating with disabilities and youth can find themselves in a whirlwind of mixed emotions and difficult decisions about relationships. Successful relationships and healthy love lives have been and can be achieved by people with disabilities. Providing education and support can help reduce the challenges for youth navigating the dating world. Please note that in order to receive a certificate, you will need to watch and view the resources, engage with the materials (click), pass the quiz, and complete the survey. Read more

Join KIT to get your middle school/teen disability inclusion and behavior support questions answered. During the live webinar, you can submit your questions directly to the KIT Trainer and get the answers in real time. You will also learn about our top resources for tween and teen programs. Please note there are no CEUs associated with this course. Read more

KIT Trainers and Specialists have documented an increase in concerns about children's communication or language development skills during child consultations, site visits, and Inclusion Support Center calls. This webinar will explore expressive and receptive communication and strategies providers can use to help children communicate more effectively.  Read more

Research shows that nature-based learning environments have positive impacts on children. They are happier, develop critical social skills, are more engaged and eager to learn. Join us as we explore the benefits, discover what to include, and begin planning your nature-based environment. This series will provide guidance on how to create an outdoor learning space that is appealing and developmentally appropriate for all ages! You can buy the webinars individually, or as a series for a 20% discount.  Included in this series: More Than Just a School-Age Playground Taking Learning Outdoors Making Outdoor Spaces Appealing to Teens Teaching Early Childhood Skills Outside Read more

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